Monday, 13 June 2016

Day 348: Tax use

"Reforming public education, cutting property taxes, fixing adult and child protective services and funding our budget can all occur when Democrats and Republicans engage in consensus and cooperation - not cynicism and combat." - Rick Perry

Project 346: #348

While out on our run, Riley and I came upon some large trucks and heavy machinery at the 'mudpond'. I was all excited as I thought the dredging of the pond had begun, as we had to acknowledge that this was going to be carried out a little while ago, and I thought they were beginning the process. Anyhow, on closer inspection, it was the municipality  that was clearing some brush in the car park to fix a neighboring fence. But, there were several large vehicles, not outsourced, but belonging to the Borough municipality! All funded from our taxes. At least we know where our taxes are going here. I do know that most locals complain considerably about service delivery, cost, etc, but they have never lived any where else in the world, and have no real idea about the cost of maintaining systems, and what happens when more people pay less or no tax, and how the infrastructure starts to crumble and degenerate. I am very grateful that I can see where our taxes go on a daily basis, from the outstanding education, including athletics and music, to clean running water, maintained roads, winter services, brush collection, etc, etc...the list goes on! One thing is true is that everyone needs to stop complaining and fighting with each other, no matter which party has their allegiance, and begin working together to maintain and appreciate this land of freedom, diversity, and opportunity.

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